
India: Trends in Passenger Transportation

Here’s a poster I presented at the STEPS symposium in UC Davis on the topic:

India is known to have the largest share of 2-wheelers (which are widely used for personal travel and commercial activities). And then there are tuk-tuks (auto rickshaws),  unique and ubiquitous vehicles

% passenger miles traveled in 4-wheelers is significant now and will be even more in future

census shows an increase in % of households with LDVs

HHs 1.2

Right now India is the fifth largest car market and has the potential to become one of the top three in the near future – with about 400 million customers in need of mobility solutions by the year 2030.

So it does make sense to study how does the current average fleet look like:

As compared to other modes,

LDVs are doing well in terms of Specific Energy Consumption

sp. energy 2.4

this can be attributed to 1. better utilization and 2.relative occupancy

Key point:

fuel+co2 1.3

And Passenger Cars are cleaner than expected!

India needs to maintain to follow with stricter regulations. But let’s see how this might have happened, starting with the policies involved.








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